1. CAD technician
  2. Call centre manager
  3. Cardiologist
  4. Care manager
  5. Careers adviser
  6. Careers information officer
  7. Cartographer
  8. Catering manager
  9. Ceramics designer
  10. Chaplain
  11. Charity fundraiser
  12. Charity officer
  13. Chartered accountant
  14. Chartered certified accountant
  15. Chartered legal executive (England and Wales)
  16. Chartered loss adjuster
  17. Chartered management accountant
  18. Chartered public finance accountant
  19. Chef
  20. Chemical engineer
  21. Child psychotherapist
  22. Children's nurse
  23. Chiropractor
  24. Choreographer
  25. Civil Service administrator
  26. Civil Service Fast Streamer
  27. Clinical psychologist
  28. Clinical radiologist
  29. Clinical research associate
  30. Clinical scientist, audiology
  31. Clinical scientist, biochemistry
  32. Clinical scientist, cardiac science
  33. Clinical scientist, embryology
  34. Clinical scientist, genomics
  35. Clinical scientist, haematology
  36. Clinical scientist, histocompatibility and immunogenetics
  37. Clinical scientist, immunology
  38. Clinical scientist, medical physics
  39. Clinical scientist, physiological sciences
  40. Clinical technologist
  41. Clothing/textile technologist
  42. Colour technologist
  43. Commercial art gallery manager
  44. Commercial horticulturist
  45. Commercial/residential surveyor
  46. Commissioning editor
  47. Communications engineer
  48. Community arts worker
  49. Community development worker
  50. Community education officer
  51. Community pharmacist
  52. Company secretary
  53. Compliance officer
  54. Concept artist
  55. Conference centre manager
  56. Conservator
  57. Construction manager
  58. Consulting civil engineer
  59. Contracting civil engineer
  60. Control and instrumentation engineer
  61. Corporate investment banker
  62. Corporate treasurer
  63. Costs lawyer
  64. Counselling psychologist
  65. Counsellor
  66. Creative director
  67. Crime scene investigator
  68. Customer service manager
  69. Cyber security analyst