Psychological wellbeing practitioner
Psychological wellbeing practitioners assess and support adults who are experiencing common mental health difficulties such as mild to moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety and low mood
As a psychological wellbeing practitioner (PWP), you'll work within NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression (formerly IAPT). You’ll provide a range of low-intensity, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)-based interventions that will help your patients manage their own recovery.
Sessions with clients will last 20 to 30 minutes on average and as a fully-qualified PWP you can expect to help more than 250 patients every year.
Managing referrals and signposting to other agencies are common parts of the role and you'll need to work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as high-intensity therapists, employment advisers, other therapists and support staff.
As a PWP, you'll need to:
- undertake patient-centred interviews to identify areas where they wish to see change
- make accurate assessments of the risk patients pose to themselves and others
- make decisions on the suitability of new referrals, referring clients to alternative services or 'stepping up' their treatment to high-intensity psychological therapy if necessary
- devise a shared treatment plan with your patient that's delivered via a range of methods such as face-to-face, online or over the telephone
- provide low-intensity interventions, such as psycho-educational interventions, guided self-help and computerised CBT
- attend multidisciplinary meetings about referrals or clients in treatment
- develop strong professional relationships with primary and secondary care staff, such as general practice staff and mental health workers
- liaise with external agencies including housing, police, local authority, employers and employment support workers
- provide and receive information related to mental health and CBT to individuals or groups of clients, relatives, carers, members of the public and professionals
- educate and involve family members and others in your patient's treatment as necessary
- undertake clinical supervision on a regular basis in line with relevant professional guidelines and policies
- keep accurate records of clinical activity and use these in clinical decision-making.
- Trainee PWPs start at £26,530 (Band 4) of the NHS Agenda for change (AfC) pay rates.
- After qualification, salaries within the NHS progress to Band 5. You're likely to start on £29,970 and progress up one pay point annually until you reach £36,483 (the top of the scale).
- Senior PWPs can earn salaries at Bands 6, 7 and 8a for undertaking additional management and leadership responsibilities or a clinical specialism. Salaries at this level can range from £37,338 (bottom of Band 6) to £60,504 (top of Band 8a).
The NHS pays a London high-cost area supplement at 20% of basic salary for inner London, 15% for outer London and 5% for fringe areas.
Salaries in the voluntary and independent sector may vary.
Figures are intended as a guide only.
Working hours
You can expect to work a standard 37.5 hours per week. There are some opportunities for part-time work.
What to expect
- The role can be challenging at times, as you'll work with distressed people with high emotional demands. Occasionally, you may encounter situations of potential personal risk, making supervision by colleagues important.
- Jobs are available throughout the UK, but more varied opportunities may be available in cities.
- You'll work within NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression and will typically be based within a GP practice, healthcare centre or community venue such as a library or leisure centre. Or you may be based within a charity that is commissioned by the NHS to deliver talking therapy. You'll typically work with patients on a one-to-one basis, in groups or/and provide support for a computerised CBT programme.
- Older people, men and people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are currently underrepresented in the profession. Health Education England is looking at ways to increase awareness of the role and encourage entry into the profession.
- Local travel between sites is common in some PWP roles. Absence from home overnight is unusual. Overseas work or travel is uncommon.
To qualify as a PWP, you'll need to complete a low-intensity training course accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Training courses are delivered by numerous universities and course titles vary.
If you already have a degree, you’ll usually take a postgraduate certificate. If you don't have a degree you'll complete the equivalent graduate-level qualification or a Level 6 Psychological wellbeing practitioner apprenticeship.
Commitment to supporting patients with mental health conditions and relevant work experience are equally important in securing a trainee place. Contact course providers for exact entry requirements. Search for courses at BPS - Find an accredited course.
To get a place, you'll need to be employed as a trainee PWP by a local IAPT service. Selection is carried out jointly by the employer and university, and if you're successful you'll be offered a trainee job and place on the course. Search for trainee PWP jobs on NHS Jobs and the websites of mental health charities.
Training usually lasts around 12 months and consists of 45 days of academic work (one day per week at university) and four days a week in supervised practice within your workplace.
As the course is a requirement of the trainee role, it's usually funded by your NHS talking therapies service employer. Individual course centres can advise about any self-funded places that may be available.
You'll need to have:
- the skills to develop good therapeutic relationships with clients
- teamworking skills and an aptitude for fostering good working relationships
- an interest in using clinical supervision and personal development positively and effectively
- the capacity to work under pressure
- the ability to be self-reflective
- regard for others and respect for individual rights of autonomy and confidentiality
- skills in communicating clearly and persuasively, both verbally and in writing
- the ability to liaise and network with a range of organisations and members of the public
- basic IT skills, including word processing and database packages
- a high level of enthusiasm and self-motivation
- good time management and organisational skills relating to the overall number of client contacts offered and clinical sessions carried out per week
- knowledge of low-intensity therapeutic interventions to clinical problems.
Work experience
There is a lot of competition for trainee PWP places, but gaining some experience of working with individuals living with mental health issues will strengthen your application. Consider looking for opportunities in primary care services, such as community support worker roles.
Evidence of long-term volunteering is also helpful as it shows that you're emotionally strong and committed to working with people with mental ill health. These types of vacancies can be found in the not-for-profit and health sector.
It's sometimes possible to talk to a PWP or to do some work shadowing in your local IAPT service. Use NHS Choices to find your local psychological therapies service.
Find out more about the different kinds of work experience and internships that are available.
You could work in a variety of settings, including:
- GP surgeries
- health centres
- psychological treatment centres.
You may be employed directly by the NHS or by a charity that has been commissioned to deliver talking therapy services on behalf of the NHS, such as Mind, Turning Point or Rethink Mental Illness. There are also some opportunities to work within HM Prison Service or the private sector.
Look for job vacancies at:
Hospital websites also advertise vacancies.
You can set up an email alert with NHS Jobs to receive notification of PWP vacancies in your area. Further advice about local training and recruitment opportunities can be gained from contacting your local psychological therapies services.
Professional development
As a newly qualified PWP you'll be encouraged to take courses to further develop your knowledge and skills. This post-qualification training can be either short courses, lasting up to one week, or longer courses leading to a diploma or Masters.
You'll be expected to identify your own continuing professional development (CPD) needs, which may include a range of in-service and external training opportunities. You can also do further training to specialise in a particular area. For example, working with people with sleep difficulties, insomnia or generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
With experience, you could undergo training in supervisory, management and leadership skills to oversee the work of other PWPs. Alternatively, you could develop specialist skills in working with specific groups of clients, such as those with a learning disability, veterans or those with medically unexplained symptoms, or in a specialist area such as in a prison. Either way, expertise beyond the core PWP role is required and you'll need to undertake CPD training.
However, CPD is not limited to training courses, and you'll also be encouraged to take part in other activities that contribute towards your professional development such as shadowing others, reviewing literature, being mentored or working on specific projects.
Career prospects
The role of a psychological wellbeing practitioner is evolving and there are increasing opportunities for career progression into senior, management and lead roles.
Career prospects are generally good and there is a clear progression route in place within the NHS. To advance through the pay bands you need to show that you have the required skills, experience and knowledge.
With experience you can apply for senior and lead PWP roles by undertaking additional duties, involving:
- clinical adviser
- education and research
- management
- service promotion and leadership
- specialism
- supervision
- training.
Options to specialise include working in areas such as perinatal mental health or with particular groups of patients, such as older adults, people with long-term health conditions such as diabetes or black and ethnic minority communities.
Other options for career development include working in occupational health services, prisons or delivering interventions in universities and colleges.
Some qualified PWPs go on to train in psychological therapies, for example high intensity CBT, counselling or alternative areas such as clinical psychology. PWPs are eligible to apply for high intensity therapy training after two years of continuous employment as a PWP.
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