Research course

Wind effects on temporary structures

University of Salford · School of Science, Engineering and Environment

Entry requirements

Please use this Research Proposal, Personal statement and CV writing guide when preparing an application.

Months of entry


Course content

There are increasing reports which show wind-induced damages to temporary structures such as fences, scaffolds, etc. Such damages might directly or indirectly lead to human injures, interruptions of transportation, safety, consequently affecting society.

Although temporary structures are present everyday and everywhere, guidelines and code of practice on how to estimate wind effects, e.g. wind loading, on those structures are very limited and vague. For example, only a few types of temporary structures were addressed. A few wind velocity conditions were considered. Drag coefficient data are not rich enough. So, limited data and guidelines have resulted in challenges in estimate wind loading on the structures so that safety can be guaranteed.

To address the challenges, this project aims to study wind effects on temporary structures, focusing on evaluating wind loading on typical structures. The effects of wind directions, turbulence and structural shapes will be considered. To achieve this, following work packages (WP) will be conducted:

WP1: Conduct a series of wind tunnel tests on temporary structures specified in Eurocode with different wind directions to evaluate drag and lift force coefficients. The tests will be also conducted for those structures with geometric modifications in different ways, e.g. the porosity, aspect ratio, etc.,

WP2: Same as WP1 but in turbulent wind conditions

WP3: Build a database for aerodynamic coefficients

WP4: Propose recommendation with codification purpose for estimation wind loading on temporary structures and their design against wind.

Fees and funding

This programme is self-funded.

To enquire about University of Salford funding schemes – including the Widening Participation Scholarship – visit this website.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • PhD
    full time
    36 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    part time
    60 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

SEE PGR Support