Research course

Non-across-wind aeroelastic response of slender structures

University of Salford · School of Science, Engineering and Environment

Entry requirements

Please use this Research Proposal, Personal statement and CV writing guide when preparing an application.

Months of entry


Course content

Wind-induced instability of square cylinders is one of the most frequently investigated issue in fluid–structure interaction. Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV) and galloping are the two main aeroelastic phenomena of slender structures subjected to wind flow that can lead to dynamic instability and large amplitude vibrations of the structures. Most of the research focuses on these phenomena considering acrosswind response. However, this is not the case in practice. Non-across-wind aeroelastic response is a type of structural oscillation that occurs when a structure's structural axes are not perpendicular to the wind. This can happen even if the wind is blowing in a different direction than the structure's cross-section. Only a few research on this topic have been done.

To give further insight into non-acrosswind aeroelastic responses, this project aims to study wind effects on slender structure subjected to wind actions which are not normal to structural axes. To achieve this, following work packages (WP) will be conducted:

WP1: Conduct a series of wind tunnel tests on square cylinders for different wind directions with respected to structural axis in smooth and turbulent winds

WP2: Evaluate the role of principal axis to the conditions for aeroelasticity occurrence

WP3: Modelling the non-acrosswind responses of the slender structures in winds

Fees and funding

This programme is self-funded.

To enquire about University of Salford funding schemes – including the Widening Participation Scholarship – visit this website.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • PhD
    full time
    36 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    part time
    60 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

SEE PGR Support