Case study

Undergraduate student — Jenna Jade Dempster

After going through Clearing, Jenna is now studying the BSc Business Management with Innovation and Technology at the University of Salford's Business School

Why did you decide to enter Clearing?

I had decided to attend university at the last minute after working for three years. At this point, I had missed the main application window, so Clearing was the best option for me.

What advice would you give to someone in Clearing?

Make sure you have all the information you need written in front of you and be patient, as it can take some time to get through. Also, have a backup option in mind, and have all of the numbers for the universities you're interested in ready.

It can be a stressful time, but Clearing staff are there to help and are great at being reassuring.

Why did you choose this university?

I chose the University of Salford due to the quality of the course I wanted to study, as well as the location of the campus.

What have been your university highlights?

I have had opportunities to travel, and I spent a semester abroad in Canada during my second year, as well as a cultural immersion trip to Vietnam. I also joined the Snow Society, which has allowed me to learn how to ski.

These pursuits have greatly improved my confidence, decision-making skills and resilience resulting in personal growth.

How is the course structured and assessed?

My course is assessed on coursework and essay assignments, which is beneficial as I don't have to complete any timed exams.

How have you managed your finances as a student?

I maintain a budget, which I use monthly to track my maintenance loan and rental costs.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to take some time to travel and then do a Masters degree.

What tips would you give to others thinking about going to university?

  • Consider which course area interests you the most, as the employability side will often come later anyway. If you select a subject that you love, you know you'll enjoy a career that aligns with this.
  • Take a look at what the university has to offer outside of your course, including potential travel opportunities, such as a semester or year abroad, which sports or clubs you could join, and what the careers service is like.
  • If you aren't certain what to do, planning a gap year or applying through Clearing may prove to be beneficial.

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