Case study

Centre fundraiser — Rebecca Stewart

As a centre fundraiser for Maggie's cancer charity, Rebecca’s role is vital in ensuring that the charity can continue its work providing free expert care and support

What degree did you study?

I studied for a joint honours degree in psychology and sociology at the University of Aberdeen.

Where did you find your job?

I saw the job at Maggie's in Aberdeen advertised on Indeed and sent my CV and cover letter to the HR team.

What's a typical working day like?

I spend a lot of time supporting and communicating with our wonderful fundraisers and corporate partners, planning and managing events, creating and sharing social media content, putting forward proposals, managing existing relationships and engaging new supporters, alongside general administrative tasks.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Getting to work so closely with our supporters is incredible. Seeing their passion for supporting Maggie's, hearing their fundraising ideas and being able to support their fundraising journey is inspiring. Working within the centre is also important because each day we are reminded of how important our support is and just what we are raising funds for.

What are the challenges?

As we work in a fast-paced environment, we often have multiple projects to juggle. This can be challenging when your schedule or calendar is full. However, the good time-management skills I developed at university and now apply to my current role ensure no issues arise.

In what way is your degree relevant?

There are a variety of ways in which my degree is relevant, particularly when using communication skills to adapt to the Maggie's tone of voice. The public speaking skills I developed at university also help me feel comfortable and confident attending networking events and presenting to large audiences to raise awareness of the work we do here at Maggie's.

How has your role developed and what are your career ambitions?

My first role within Maggie's was centre fundraising organiser, which was a largely community-based role. I have now taken on a new role within the organisation as centre fundraiser, which will allow me to develop the skills I've obtained as a fundraiser and focus more on corporate proposals and larger-scale events.

What advice can you give to others wanting to get into this job?

  • Try to gain as much experience as you can outside of your degree, whether that's joining a society, volunteering your time or even working a part-time job. Life experience can be really important when starting to build your career.
  • Be passionate about the cause you're looking to support, understand the role and the job specifications, and let the employer know why you're a suitable candidate.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for advice - fundraisers are always happy to give advice and provide information about their work. Get in touch via email or on LinkedIn and ask how they got involved.

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