Entry requirements

Applicants for this course should have achieved a UK First class Honours Degree.

Applicants should have a first-class degree in law, or a related discipline relevant to the subject of the proposed research, from a British university or its equivalent from a university overseas. Alternatively, applications will be considered from applicants who have a very good upper second-class honours degree in law or a related discipline relevant to the subject of the proposed research, with, in addition, an overall first or distinction in a master's degree in law or a related discipline relevant to the subject of the proposed research

Months of entry


Course content

The MLitt in Law may be awarded after two years of supervised research (or a proportionally longer period if undertaken on a part-time basis) and following examination of a thesis not exceeding 60,000 words inclusive of footnotes but exclusive of appendices, bibliography, table of contents and any other preliminary matter. An MLitt thesis must take due account of previously published work on the subject and must represent a useful contribution to learning. Candidates for the MLitt are registered in the first instance for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study in Legal Studies which provides training in legal research.

It is a requirement of the Certificate that candidates attend the weekly classes (during term time only) provided by the Faculty's Research Training and Development Programme that offers instruction on research techniques and advice on matters such as getting work published and obtaining academic jobs. Candidates are required to submit, normally towards the end of May of their first year (or at a proportionally later date for part-time candidates), three items for a progress review: a personal progress log, a 15,000-word thesis, and a short explanation of the proposed topic of the MLitt. The work is formally assessed (normally by two teaching members of the Faculty) and candidates must attend an oral examination.

After this examination, the assessors' reports, along with a recommendation from the supervisor(s), are considered by the Faculty's Degree Committee whose members then decide whether to register the candidate for the MLitt Degree. The MLitt registration date is normally backdated so as to include the period of time working on the Certificate.

Information for international students

Language Requirement

IELTS (Academic)

Element Score

Listening 7.0

Writing 7.0

Reading 7.0

Speaking 7.0

Total 7.5

TOEFL Internet Score

Element Score

Listening 25

Writing 25

Reading 25

Speaking 25

Total 110

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MLitt by research
    full time
    24 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details
