Taught course

Specialist Community Practitioner

University of Brighton · School of Education, Sport and Health Sciences

Entry requirements

Degree and experience

Academic requirements listed are for the school's postgraduate education programme and the requirements of the NMC. In order to enter the chosen pathway, candidates must be a registered nurse (level 1) with relevant professional registration, capable of safe and effective practice at the level of proficiency for level 7 study.


  • normally hold a health-related degree at 2:1 or above or equivalent or be able to demonstrate the ability to study at level 6.
  • have successfully completed recent study within the last five years
  • normally have a minimum of three years’ post-registration experience, preferably in a community setting
  • demonstrate the potential to benefit from masters-level study
  • have appropriate clearance from the Criminal Records Bureau, organised by the sponsoring organisation.
  • have employer support to undertake the programme.
  • must be employed and sponsored by a Practice Learning Partner of the University of Brighton (such as the applicant’s employing/sponsoring NHS organisation) for the duration of the programme in an appropriate role for the specialist pathway in the programme (general practice nursing or district nursing).
  • have protected learning time to undertake the programme with student status in practice.
  • have appropriate practice support throughout the programme.

Applicants who do not have a first degree

In exceptional cases candidates will be considered for entry onto the MSc programme without a first degree if they can demonstrate innovations in practice, publications and have expertise in the field.

Candidates without a first degree will be required to undertake and pass an M-level module in order to enter the MSc. A maximum of 40 credits of the final award may be brought into the course provided you meet the learning outcomes and these were undertaken in the previous five years.

Students who already hold a recognised qualification in any one of the specialist options at degree level may apply for admission to another specialist option provided they satisfy the necessary entry criteria. Such students will need to complete 120 masters-level credits in order to gain the postgraduate diploma, and to demonstrate achievement of the specialist practice learning outcomes for the chosen pathway.

Months of entry


Course content

Successful completion of our Specialist Community Practitioner MSc will give you access to second-level registration on the NMC register as either a qualified general practice nurse or district nurse.

The course provides registered nurses with the opportunity to gain both a professional qualification and an academic award at degree level.

On graduation, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to become a capable and confident general practice nurse, district nurse, or home nurse, able to lead community-based nursing teams in the complex and dynamic integrated context of community and primary healthcare practice.

We are known for our flexible approaches to practice-based learning, with course durations and intensities that can be adapted to your individual needs and outside commitments.

Recognising that patients are at the heart of everything the NHS does, we have embedded the core values of the NHS Constitution — respect, dignity, compassion, and collaboration — into our curriculum.

Our high-quality teaching and research are renowned, and have an applied focus. We have established strong links with community specialist practice educators to ensure the provision of support and guidance both within the university and in community practice.

We have a dedicated team of academic staff who are actively engaged in internationalising the nursing and midwifery curriculum.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MSc
    full time
    12 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    part time
    24-72 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
  • PGDip
    part time
    24-72 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    full time
    12 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

Course enquiries
01273 644644