Research course


Queen's University Belfast · School of Arts, English and Languages

Entry requirements

A 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required. While a Master’s degree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is not essential, it is desirable and applicants without this qualification will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Months of entry


Course content

French and Francophone Studies forms part of the Modern Languages Core Disciplinary Research Group (CDRG) which provides a vibrant, award-winning environment for both disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarship. Recognised as a centre of excellence for research into the languages, literatures, histories, and cultural identities of the French-speaking world, the research culture of the CDRG is dynamic, forward-looking and inclusive, offering a strong sense of community.

Established research strengths in French include nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century literature and culture, linguistics (sociolinguistics, variation, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis), visual cultures, medical humanities, popular culture, postcolonial writing and Franco-Chinese writing.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • PhD
    part time
    72 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification
    full time
    36 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details
