Taught course

Policital Communication and Public Affairs (MSc)

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh · School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication

Entry requirements

Students will normally possess an honours degree or equivalent from a relevant subject area (e.g. arts, humanities or social sciences). Students without an honours degree may be admitted (subject to interview) to the course if they have other relevant qualifications and appropriate work experience.

International students: You will be required to provide evidence of English language competence at no less than IELTS 6.5 and no individual component score below 6.0.

Months of entry

January, September

Course content

Communication, media, and culture not only shape people’s lives but are also pivotal to the way in which politics and policymaking work. Companies and brands have recognised this for some time now in their lobbying, advocacy, and social responsibility work. In this age of activism, so have ordinary people when they mobilise to advocate for ways - laws and policies - to change how governments and companies go about their business. There is politics (and policy) in the food we eat, in the education we get, in how we travel, how we build homes, in who makes our clothes and what happens to them when we no longer use them. And this is what this course is about.

We recognise the growing importance of specialist skills that combine communication with strategic management and an understanding of public affairs. Many organisations, from huge corporations to grassroots organisations, rely on public affairs specialists to be able to conduct their activities, to look after their reputation and, most importantly, to have a say in how the world is shaped by what governments and legislators do.

On this course, you will develop communication expertise that combines strategic communication with an understanding of policy communication in the contemporary media landscape.

As you will learn, not all people who do these jobs think of themselves as public affairs specialists. Some may be called policy officers or public engagement managers, but whatever the job title, there are core competencies that you need and that you will start developing with our help.

Qualification, course duration and attendance options

  • MSc
    full time
    12 months
    • Campus-based learningis available for this qualification

Course contact details

+44 (0)131 474 0000