Primary school teacher
To be a successful primary school teacher, you need a passion to inspire young minds and a commitment to ensuring that every child achieves their potential
As a primary school teacher, you'll develop schemes of work and lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives. You'll facilitate learning by establishing a relationship with pupils, keeping your learning resources organised and creating a positive learning environment in the classroom.
Your role is to develop and foster the appropriate skills and social abilities to enable the optimum development of children, according to age, ability and aptitude.
You'll assess and record progress and prepare pupils for national tests. You'll link pupils' knowledge to earlier learning and develop ways to encourage it further, challenging and inspiring pupils to help them deepen their knowledge and understanding.
Age ranges
Primary schools in England (following the national curriculum) are usually divided into:
- Foundation Stage - nursery and reception (ages three to five)
- Key Stage 1 - years one and two (ages five to seven)
- Key Stage 2 - years three to six (ages 7 to 11).
A new curriculum and assessment framework is being rolled out in schools across Wales. This means that the curriculum will no longer be organised into key stages. The principles of Foundation Learning (ages 3 to 7) will remain, however, and become part of one seamless curriculum for pupils aged 3 to 16 years old. It is expected to be used throughout Wales by 2026. For more information, see Education Wales.
Primary schools in Northern Ireland (following the Northern Ireland curriculum) are divided into:
- Foundation Stage - years one and two (ages four to six)
- Key Stage 1 - years three and four (ages six to eight)
- Key Stage 2 - years five to seven (ages 8 to 11).
Primary schools in Scotland (following the Curriculum for Excellence) are usually divided into:
- Early level - Nursery and P1 - primary (ages four to six)
- First level - P2-4 - primary (ages six to eight)
- Second level - P5-7 - primary (ages 9 to 11).
As a primary school teacher, you'll need to:
- teach all areas of the primary curriculum
- take responsibility for the progress of a class of primary-age pupils
- organise the classroom and learning resources and create displays to encourage a positive learning environment
- plan, prepare and present lessons that cater for the needs of the whole ability range within the class
- motivate pupils with enthusiastic, imaginative presentation
- maintain discipline
- prepare and mark work to facilitate positive pupil development
- meet requirements for the assessment and recording of pupils' development
- ensure that pupils are safe and that all child protection and safeguarding measures are followed in accordance with school and national policies
- provide feedback to parents and carers on a pupil's progress at parents' evenings and other meetings
- coordinate activities and resources within a specific area of the curriculum, and support colleagues in the delivery of this specialist area
- work with other teachers, teaching assistants and other relevant professionals to plan and coordinate work
- keep up to date with changes and developments in the structure of the curriculum
- organise and take part in school events, outings and activities, which may take place at weekends or in the evening
- liaise with colleagues and work flexibly, particularly in smaller schools
- work with parents and school governors (in England, Northern Ireland and Wales) or parent councils (in Scotland) to maximise their involvement in the school and the development of resources for the school
- meet with other professionals such as education welfare officers and educational psychologists, if required.
- New entrants to the profession in England start on £31,650 of the main pay range, which rises incrementally to £43,607 (2024/25 academic year). Enhanced pay scales apply for teachers working in or near London.
- In Wales, new entrants start on a salary of £30,742, rising incrementally to £42,466.
- Salaries for new entrants in Northern Ireland start at £30,000, rising incrementally to £39,946.
- In Scotland, the new entrants' starting salary is £32,217, plus any payments made through the Preference Waiver Payment (PWP) scheme, rising incrementally to £48,516.
- With experience, there are opportunities to move up into the role of lead practitioner in England and Wales. In Scotland there are opportunities to move into chartered, lead and then principal teacher roles.
- Salaries for head teachers/principals can rise to over £100,000 depending on a range of factors such as the size and type of school, location, your experience and track record, and specialist skills and knowledge.
Academies, free schools and independent schools set their own pay and working conditions.
Experienced classroom teachers undertaking additional leadership and management responsibilities may receive teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments. Classroom teachers who teach pupils with special educational needs may also receive an additional allowance.
Further details on teaching pay awards and pay negotiations are available from the teaching unions.
Salary information for England is also available on the Department for Education (DfE) Teaching website.
Income figures are intended as a guide only.
Working hours
Hours vary between schools but are usually from 8.30am until 3.30pm or 4pm. Most teachers are in school before the school day starts and remain after school is finished.
Teachers are entitled to a minimum of 10% of timetabled teaching time for planning, preparation and assessment (PPA). In Scotland this is a minimum of seven and a half hours of preparation and correction time. Teachers also often spend time at home planning and preparing lessons and assessing pupils' work.
Teachers are in school for 39 weeks of the year but may also use time within the 13 weeks' holiday for marking, planning and preparing.
Part-time work and career break opportunities are possible. Supply teaching is also an option. For more information on working hours, see the NASUWT, The Teachers' Union.
What to expect
- Primary teachers are usually based in their own classrooms, although they may teach elsewhere in the school to cover staff shortages or because of their specialist subject area. Resources vary between schools.
- Teaching posts are available in all areas of the UK, although there are more jobs in towns and cities than in rural areas. Certain areas of work, such as nursery or special educational needs, are only available in some schools.
- Overall, men are underrepresented in teaching, particularly in nursery and primary schools. The percentage of teachers from an ethnic minority group is increasing.
- There may be occasional trips with pupils, or staff development opportunities, which involve staying away from home and/or overseas travel.
To find out what to expect in terms of timetables, term structure and rewards and challenges, see life as a primary school teacher.
To work as a primary school teacher in a state-maintained school in England, you must have a degree and achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) by completing a period of initial teacher training (ITT). QTS is awarded by the Teaching Regulation Agency. Independent schools, academies and free schools are permitted to employ teachers without QTS but, in practice, this is uncommon.
If you don't already have a degree, you can apply to do an undergraduate BEd, BA or BSc degree in primary education with QTS. For a list of education degrees with QTS, use the UCAS Course Search.
However, if you already have a degree, you can gain QTS in a number of other ways. One of the most popular ways is to study for a one-year Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) with QTS. Courses combine substantial teaching placements with academic study and are available at many universities and colleges of higher education.
Another option is to complete a one-year training programme with a school or group of schools through school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) or School Direct (fee-funded). Training led by schools will offer QTS and most offer the academic qualification of a PGCE.
There are also some opportunities to complete salaried teacher training. Options to undertake on-the-job training while earning a salary include:
In most, but not all cases, a PGCE accredited by a higher education institution (HEI) will be awarded.
For university or college-led PGCEs, PGDEs, SCITTs and School Direct programmes in England you must apply through the Department for Education's Apply for teacher training service.
Most course providers require a good honours degree for PGCE entry. Primary teacher training is open to graduates of all subjects, but a degree in a national curriculum subject area will increase your chances. You must also have GCSEs in English, maths and science at grade 4/C or above. For more information about obtaining QTS, explore your options at Train to be a teacher.
The Assessment Only (AO) route leading to QTS is possible for candidates who have a degree alongside a substantial amount of teaching experience in the UK, but do not have QTS. You will need your employer's support for this route and will have to apply directly to an approved provider.
In Wales, you'll need to achieve QTS by completing a programme of initial teacher education (ITE). You must also register with the Education Workforce Council (EWC). If you've already got a degree you can study for a PGCE in primary education. Applications are made via UCAS Undergraduate.
Alternatively, you can apply for a two-year, school-based salaried PGCE, which combines full-time work in a non-teaching role linked to learning (such as a teaching assistant) with part-time study. There is also a two-year, part-time PGCE available. This self-funded route is aimed at those who want to fit teacher training around their current job. For information on both these options, see The Open University.
In Scotland, you'll need a degree and a Teaching Qualification (TQ) gained through undertaking a programme of ITE to qualify as a teacher. You must also register with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). All teacher training programmes are university-led, and you can take either a four-year undergraduate programme or a one-year Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). Applications are made via UCAS Undergraduate for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
To teach in Northern Ireland, you must have a degree and a recognised teacher training qualification, gained by taking either a four-year undergraduate BEd or a one-year PGCE, and must register with the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI). Applications for the PGCE are made direct to the course provider, usually in November or December.
For information on teacher training in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales see:
If you trained in Scotland or Northern Ireland and want to teach in England, you'll need to apply for QTS. Information for teachers who've qualified outside the UK is available at GOV.UK - qualify to teach in England.
Find out more about funding for teacher training.
To be a primary school teacher, you'll need:
- excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- planning, organisation and time-management skills
- the ability to enthuse and motivate pupils
- imagination, creativity and a sense of humour
- listening skills and the ability to reflect on your teaching practice
- strong teamworking skills and the ability to collaborate with other staff and education professionals on a range of initiatives
- the ability to use your initiative and think on your feet
- good judgement and an analytical mind
- a commitment to equal opportunities and the ability to use a variety of strategies and practices to promote the diverse cultural and equality issues in the classroom
- a commitment to the safeguarding and welfare of all students
- patience and dedication
- leadership and supervisory skills
- energy, stamina and resilience
- self-discipline and self-motivation
- a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.
It's helpful if you have additional skills in areas such as:
- art and craft
- community
- drama
- IT
- modern languages
- music
- sport.
You will also need a satisfactory health record and criminal record check.
Work experience
Training providers expect you to have some school experience with the age group you want to teach, and having experience in a classroom will help you make a strong application. Arrange to visit schools to observe and talk to teachers. Become familiar with the primary curriculum. Ask if you can help a teacher with non-teaching duties on a regular basis. Try to do this over an extended period, rather than just before you apply for a PGCE/PGDE. For more information see volunteering in schools.
If you're in England, you can apply online for the Get School Experience service, aimed at students and graduates interested in gaining experience in the classroom. School placements range from one day to three weeks.
A post as a teaching assistant could also give you valuable experience.
Attend open days and taster courses organised through schools and universities. You can also contact your university careers service or school of education to find out about any local opportunities to gain experience in schools.
You can get experience of working with children in other ways too, such as:
- mentoring
- summer play schemes
- summer camps
- Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs
- coaching and children's sports clubs and activities
- supplementary and mother-tongue schools.
Find out more about the different kinds of work experience and internships that are available.
Many primary school teachers work in state schools, which receive funding either from the local authority (LA) or directly from government. These include:
- community schools (also known as LA maintained schools) - follow the national curriculum and aren't influenced by any business or religious groups
- foundation schools and voluntary schools - funded by the LA but have more control over how they do things and may be supported by religious groups
- academies and free schools - receive funding directly from the government, are independent from the LA and are run by not-for-profit academy trusts with more freedom and the option to follow a different curriculum
- grammar schools - run by either the LA, a foundation body or an academy trust. Pupils are selected based on academic ability and sit an entrance test.
You can also work in independent schools (also known as private schools), which charge fees, rather than being funded by government, and don't have to follow the national curriculum. Independent schools must be registered with the government.
Find out more about the different types of school.
If you train for the lower end of the primary age range, you may consider nursery schools, while if you train for the upper end, you may consider middle schools in the small number of areas where these exist. If you trained in Scotland, you'll be able to teach in any stage of primary school education.
Some primary teachers take on supply work through an agency or arrange supply work directly with schools. Although less stable than a permanent contract, the flexibility of supply work may suit some people.
Once trained and experienced, some teachers look for positions overseas. Many countries expect a teacher to have qualifications gained in that country, but sometimes there are reciprocal agreements. Some teachers go on exchange programmes to other parts of the world, such as the USA. Others undertake voluntary work in developing countries through organisations such as Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO).
Look for job vacancies at:
- Education Authority Jobs - teaching jobs in Northern Ireland.
- Guardian Education Jobs
- myjobscotland - LA teaching jobs in Scotland.
- Teaching Vacancies - job-listing service from the DfE (England only).
- Tes Jobs
Jobs are also advertised on local authority websites.
Specialist recruitment agencies such as Eteach, CER and Hays Education also handle vacancies.
Some LAs operate a 'pool' system for recruitment, in which applications from early career teachers (ECTs) are dealt with centrally rather than schools advertising vacancies individually. Others operate a database/registration scheme whereby potential candidates' details are forwarded to primary schools wishing to recruit ECTs.
LAs start to advertise pool vacancies in December and January. The peak time for jobs is between February and June, although schools start directly advertising jobs from January onwards.
To learn more about where to look for vacancies, how to apply and teaching interviews, see how to get a teaching job and discover how to structure a teaching CV.
Primary school teacher jobs
Professional development
Once you've gained QTS, you must complete a two-year induction period (or part-time equivalent) as an early career teacher (ECT). During this time, you must demonstrate that you meet the Teachers' Standards (England). You'll have a structured programme of support, a dedicated mentor and an induction tutor, as well as a reduced teaching load. This time should be used for professional development, observation and assessment activities.
You can carry out your induction period in state schools (except those in special measures). You can also undertake induction in independent schools, free schools and academies, although they don't have to offer it. It's also possible to carry out your induction period through supply teaching (contracts must last for a minimum of one term).
In Wales, the induction period for newly qualified teachers (NQT) is one year and you must meet the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership (Wales).
For more information on the induction period, see the National Education Union - Your guide to induction.
To meet the standard for full registration (SFR) with the GTCS in Scotland, you must undertake a period of probationary teaching after completing your PGDE. Most probationers join the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS), a guaranteed one-year probationary teaching post with a Scottish local authority school. There is also a flexible route available. The majority of teachers then apply to advertised vacancies or work in supply posts. You've got up to three years to obtain the SFR if you're on the TIS, although most probationers meet it within the year. If you are following the flexible route, you have a minimum of three years to a maximum of five years to meet the SFR.
For information on the one-year induction period for ECTs in Northern Ireland, see the Education Authority.
In-service training is available, and teachers are encouraged to pursue continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to their own responsibilities and the development needs of the school. Training takes place in-house on teacher training days or at regional training centres run by local authorities.
Topics often covered include:
- curriculum issues
- target setting and assessment
- special needs
- subject leadership
- pastoral care
- safeguarding
- new initiatives
- technology.
Some teachers may study on a part-time basis for higher qualifications related to their specialist subject or take a Masters degree in business administration (MBA) or a Masters in education, depending on their career aims.
Professional qualifications for school managers are also available.
Career prospects
Career progression may be through a specialist curriculum or pastoral role, or by moving into management. Geographical mobility can improve prospects. Teachers may become coordinators of their specialist subject (e.g. literacy, languages, science or numeracy) or a cross-curricular area, such as special needs.
Classroom expertise is recognised by the status of Leading Practitioner (LP) in England and Wales. You'll still work in the classroom but will have extra responsibilities. LPs share their knowledge and expertise with colleagues to model and lead the improvement of teaching skills.
Organisations such as the Ambition Institute and Education Scotland run training programmes for aspiring leaders. Leadership can include roles ranging from responsibility for a year group or key stage to deputy or head teacher positions.
As a head teacher, you'll have a great deal of influence and responsibility for areas such as pupils and staff, financial management, the school's systems and processes, standards, and ensuring continuous improvement.
Some teachers move out of schools and into further or higher education or other related jobs, such as:
- education consultant
- education officer - often employed at museums, art galleries and zoos
- examination board administrator
- Ofsted inspector
- lecturer on a teacher training course.
Many of the skills gained as a teacher are valued by employers outside education. Some teachers retrain for other careers, such as social work, guidance work or management roles within the public or private sector, where they continue to use the skills acquired in teaching.
There are also opportunities to undertake further training to become a specialist SpLD tutor, providing one-to-one specialist study skills tuition and support to students diagnosed with specific learning differences. Find out more from the Professional Association of Specific Learning Difference Specialists in Higher Education (PASSHE).
There are some opportunities for self-employment. These include:
- private tutoring, including franchise opportunities
- writing educational materials
- running out-of-school clubs in art, dance, music, sport or a foreign language, for example
- running a small private school.